Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kagiso 2

More images from my trip yesterday. The photo immediately above was taken at the school - note the white hill in the background - this is not snow, but slag from a gold mine (the colour depends on the seam, or "reef" as they call it here) - white dust flies off the peak in a wind, just like snow.... and if you happen to be downwind it gets into everything.

Then: wall art and encouraging slogans ("kasie" is Afrikaans for "township" - an abbreviation of lokasie, or location - under apartheid kasies were dormitory towns for blacks only); a pink shack (yes everyone calls them shacks - there's some talk of encouraging the owners or builders of "low-cost housing" to use sandbags rather than combustible material) - if you look closely however you'll see that there's a garage attached to this particular shack, and the garage is slightly larger than the house; and there's a satellite dish on the shack next door; people are making investment choices. Then reentering Johannesburg. This really is a country of extremes...

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